史蒂夫 Pleau



Steve Pleau,
President and CEO, The Future Automotive Group

I’m from the Bay Area originally and was relocated to Sacramento just before my senior year in high school. I quickly came to realize that there isn’t a better family town in the country. I spent my college years and career here surrounded by the mountains, ocean, wine country and river ways.

Steve Pleau is the founder, President and CEO of Future Automotive Group, one of the nation’s largest automotive dealership groups with 9 locations, 14 franchises, and 2 fleet centers. The group is one of the top employers in Placer County as well as a significant employer in Sacramento County. Local dealerships include Future Ford of Sacramento, Future Ford Lincoln of Roseville, Future Nissan of Roseville, and Future Nissan of Folsom, and the Future Ford Fleet Center is located in Roseville.

自2001年起, Pleau 在多家董事会供职, 并担任河城银行董事。他是十大网投官方入口州立大学的毕业生, 拥有工商管理学位。